
I am directed to invite all applicants who registered for the 2021/2022 HND admission into the various programmes of the Akwa lbom State Polytechnic lkot Osurua lkot Ekpene, To attend an in-person Screening Exercise, slated for 12th November, 2021 at noon, at the Polytechnic Assembly Hall.


  1. Original copy of SSCE/NECO/GCE certificate (s)
  2. Original copy of ND certificate or Certified Statement of ND Result.
  3. Original copy of Certificate of origin.
  4. Two file jackets
  5. Two passports photograph.
  6. Evidence of completion of post- ND one year industrial attachment..
All applicants shall be expected to adhere to Covid-19 protocol throughout the duration of the exercise. Registrar.

26th Matriculation Ceremony

Akwa lbom State Polytechnic lkot Osurua, is pleased to inform the 2020/2021 newly admitted ND I students that the earlier postponed 26th Matriculation Ceremony shall now be held on Wednesday 20th October, 2021 at the Polytechnic Assembly Hall at 11.00am prompt.

Also, parents and guardians are advised to attend the ceremony with less number of guests to enable the institution to maintain the current Covid-19 protocols on campus.

All inconveniences the earlier postponement might have caused the concerned students, parents and guardians are deeply regretted.


Student Portal Process Flow

     Visit the Polytechnic website  Click on the link “Portal” or visit
     Click on “Verify Admission Status” to create login details.
     Enter your Jamb Number.
     Click on submit button to verify your account
    i. Change password
     Enter your username and password and click on the Login button.
     Click on change password to change your password.
     Enter the old password and the new password, confirm new password.
     Click change password button. ii. Fill Profile
     Click the profile details menu
     Complete the profile and click the Submit Button
     Ensure you Update your Level to the current Level
     Print the Student profile information page
     Login to the Portal with your username and password
     Click the ACCEPTANCE menu and select “Acceptance Invoice”
     Select the Session from the drop-down option and Click on Submit menu to generate your payment invoice
     Print your invoice and proceed to any bank to pay using your RRR Payment code on the invoice.
     Alternatively, you can make payment using the online payment options with credit/debit cards such as Verve, Visa, MasterCards.
     After successful payment in the bank or online
     Click the “ACCEPTANCE” menu and select “Pay Acceptance fee”
     Click the Print Acknowledgment slip to get your Acceptance fee e-receipt
     Login to the portal with your username and password
     Select the “School fees” menu then click on “Pay school fees” to generate your payment invoice
     Select the required session and payment type
     Print your payment invoice contain the RRR code and proceed to any bank for payment.
     Alternatively, you can make payment using the online payment options with credit/debit cards such as Verve, Visa, MasterCards. Note: You must ensure a payment invoice is generated on the portal for the online payment option.
     After successful payment in bank, return to the portal and login with your account details to print AkwaPoly School fees e-receipt with the RRR code on the invoice.
     Click the course registration menu and select the Register Courses menu.
     Select the session and semester and click the submit button.
     Select your courses for that semester and click the submit button
     Print the registered courses,
     Click the close menu, this takes you back to Login page.

For further enquires contact ICT Centre, or make use of this link to create a ticket to log your complaint/enquiry or call our support line on: 08139833300

Important Notice




I am directed to inform all students, staff and the entire Polytechnic Community that Easter break commences today Wednesday, March 31st,2021.

Accordingly the Students Union Government (SUG) elections billed for Thursday, April 1st will no longer hold as scheduled.
To this end, all staff and students are to immediately proceed on Easter break.
Resumption of normal academic activities shall be communicated in due course.

Management wishes all staff and students a HAPPY EASTER CELEBRATIONS.

NOTE: All staff of the security unit are to remain in their duty post to ensure security of lives and property within the period.

Thank you!

Dr. (Mrs) Mary S. Ndah, MNIM

Admission Notice

Notice to all successful candidates for admissions into the 2020/2021 ND(regular) programmes of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic.

This is to inform all candidates who applied for the Online screening and registration for the 2020/2021:ND admissions that the admissions lists of successful candidates have been released and pasted on the various notice boards on the Polytechnic Campus and you can visit and click on “verify Admission Status” to check your admission.

The purpose of this information is to alert persons who applied for admissions into the various programmes of this institution to check their names on the said admissions lists and act accordingly. Admissions shall be on first come first served.


Call for Papers


The Akwa Ibom state Polyechnic, Ikot Osurua is publishing a multi-disciplinary journal, APJOCASR to cater for the interest of students, researchers and academics. The Journal will serve as a platform for research in all areas of practical communication, science, technology and engineering fields.


  • Articles should be written in MS-word (doc or docx format only) typed 12 points font size, 1.5 spacing, Times Romans and should exceed 15 pages of A4 paper.
  • All articles should be preceded by an abstract of not more than 150 words and 5 to 8 keywords.
  • Articles should conform to the latest APA citation. Please visit  to learn more about the APA citation style.
  • Articles should be divided into introduction, review of related literature, main body, findings, conclusion and recommendation(s). Science-related articles in addition to the above, should include materials/methodology as well as results / discussion.
  • Maximum number of authors is Four
  • Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout. The 15 pages should contain the title of the article, full name of author(s), address, status. Page 2 should only contain the abstract and keywords to enhance blind peer preview.
  • Closing date for submission of articles for consideration in this edition is 15th October 2016


Forward electronically to the following e-mail address or soft and hard copy to the journal secretariat.

Contributors shall pay a no-refundable processing fee of N4,000.00 (Four thousand naira only) Download Pdf

2018 HND Admissions for 2018/2019 Session

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into  two-year Higher National Diploma Programmes

 1.        SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCESHigher National Diploma inComputer ScienceStatisticsScience Lab Technology with options in:ChemistryBiochemistryPhysics with electronicsMicrobiologyEnvironmental Biology (1a)The entry requirement into the Higher National Diploma in Computer Science, Statistics and Science Laboratory Technology is at least a Lower Credit pass at the National Diploma level obtained from an NBTE-accredited Computer Science, Statistics and Science Laboratory Technology Programme respectively. Candidates must have satisfied the minimum requirements into the National Diploma Programme in Computer Science, Statistics and Science Laboratory Technology respectively, and completed the one year post-ND Industrial work experience.(1b)Candidates with pass levels in National Diploma in Statistics, Computer Science or Science Laboratory Technology obtained from an NBTE-accredited Programme and who would produce evidence of at least two years post-ND industrial work experience, may also apply.
2.       SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIESHigher National Diploma in:AccountancyBusiness AdministrationOffice Technology and Management (2a)The entry requirement into the Higher National Diploma in Accountancy, Business Administration and Office Technology and Management is at least a Lower Credit  Pass at the National Diploma level obtained from an NBTE-accredited Accountancy, Business Administration and Office Technology and Management Programmes respectively. Candidates must have satisfied the minimum requirements into the National Diploma Programme in Accountancy, Business Administration and Office Technology and Management respectively, and completed the one year post-ND industrial work experience.(2b)Candidates with Pass levels in National Diploma in Accountancy, Business Administration or Office Technology & Management and who would produce evidence of at least two years post-ND industrial work experience, may also apply.
3.       SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION ARTSHigher National Diploma in:Mass Communication (3a)The entry requirement into the Higher National Diploma in Mass Communication is at least a Lower Credit Pass in National Diploma in Mass Communication obtained from an NBTE- accredited Mass communication programme. Candidates must have also satisfied the minimum requirements into the National Diploma Programme in Mass Communication, and completed the one year post-ND industrial work experience.(3b)Candidates with Pass levels in National Diploma in Mass Communication and who would produce evidence of at least two years post-ND industrial work experience may also apply.
4.       SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGHigher National Diploma in:Electrical/Electronics Engineering with option in:Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (4a)The entry requirement into the Higher National Diploma in Electrical/Electronics Engineering is at leasts National Diploma at Lower Credit level obtained from an NBTE-accredited Electrical/Electronics Engineering Programme. Candidates must have also satisfied the minimum requirements into the National Diploma Programme in Electrical/Electronics Engineering and completed the one year Industrial Work Experience Scheme.(4b)Candidates with Pass levels in National Diploma in Electrical/Electronics Engineering and who have had at least two years post-ND industrial work experience may also apply.
5.       SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESHigher National Diploma in:Architectural TechnologyBuilding TechnologyEstate Management and ValuationQuantity Surveying·       Urban and Regional Planning (5a)The entry requirement into the Higher National Diploma in Architectural Technology, Building Technology, Estate Management and Valuation, Quantity Surveying and Urban and Regional Planning is at least a National Diploma at Lower Credit level obtained from an NBTE-accredited Architectural Technology, Building Technology, Estate Management and Valuation, Quantity Surveying and Urban and Regional Planning Programmes respectively. Candidates must have satisfied the minimum requirements into the National Diploma Programme in Architectural Technology, Building Technology, Estate Management and Valuation, Quantity Surveying or Urban and Regional Planning and  completed the one year Industrial Work Experience Scheme.(5b)Candidates with Pass level in National Diploma in Architectural Technology, Building Technology, Estate Management and Valuation, Quantity Surveying or Urban and Regional Planning and who have had at least two years post-ND industrial work experience may also apply.
METHOD OF APPLICATIONCandidates should visit the School’s website,  click online Application, then generate an invoice with the following details:   i. Phone number and ii. NameCandidates should go to any Commercial Bank in Nigeria with their invoice(RRR Number) to purchase an electronic PIN and make payment of N 8000 (EIGHT THOUSAND NAIRA) and obtain a PIN. (INCLUSIVE OF BANK AND OTHER CHARGES).Application should therefore be completed by visiting with the obtained pin to complete the application with the following steps:Highlight “Admissions” and select “Application Forms” then select your choice of programme and insert the obtained PIN (Confirmation Order) in the appropriate form to complete the application.Attach 1 year Industrial Attachment Letter.Official ND Transcript to be sent to the Registrar.SignedDr. (Mrs) Mary S. NdahRegistrar

Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua Postponement of 2019/2020 HND Aptitude Test

The Management of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua wishes to inform all candidates who have registered for the 2019/2020 HND Aptitude Test that earlier scheduled for Saturday 3rd August, 2019 has been postponed and rescheduled for Saturday 17th August, 2019.

Management regrets all inconveniences caused by the postponement. Registration for all the Programmes inclusive of ND (Post UTME) and ND Part-Time continues.

Please visit the Institution’s website for details on the registration.

Click here to register




The Bell Newspaper Publication on the acting Rector

Mass Communication Conference 2019